Free Monthly Websites 2.0 Affiliates Earn a Massive 50% Commission on Our $97 and $47 OTO's, PLUS Our $10 Monthly Membership That We Offer.
Top Tip* We offer a brand new website each month, so if you mail EVERY month at the start of each month, you WILL make BIG commissions EVERY month.
Use the two 'Monthly Emails' below.
Product & Funnel

Free Monthly Websites has been one of the leading providers of FREE websites for over TEN YEARS, with over 50,000 people taking advantage of the free website we have offered each and every month. These websites are content rich, cash generating websites that earn you affiliate commissions from multiple affiliate sources.
Many of our users tell us about their success stories using our free websites...
So we Know For a Certain Fact...
That These Work BIG TIME!
Free Monthly Websites Affiliates Earn a Massive 50% Commission on Our MASSIVE COMMISSION Sales Flow!

So if you want a piece of the action, all you need to do is grab your affiliate URL for the main front end product and the rest of the flow will be auto approved as soon as you've been approved by us, then use the promo tools below and start making BIG BUCKS! 🙂
Do We Reciprocate? Hell Yeah!

STEP 1: Grab Your Affiliate Link

We use ClickBank because it's an awesome platform, you can get your affiliate link below. We'd like to keep in touch with you about promotional updates, so please sign up below. We don't market to our JV's. We run a legit company and we have a great reputation.
Please read our terms to ensure that the rules are clear and everything remains above board.
Log into your ClickBank account to check your affiliate stats at any time.
Simply replace 'YOUR-ID' with your own ClickBank ID to start promoting.
Here is Your Default ClickBank Affiliate Link:
Join Our JV List For Updates
Please sign up to our JV Updates and Notifications list below.
Enter your Name and Email below and we'll keep you updated via email with all promotional offers and tools that will help you.
Grab Your Promo Tools Below!

Subject – [Free Website] This Months Free Monthly Website is Ready!
Hi [NAME],
This months Free Monthly Website is ready!
As usual, it costs you absolutely nothing to download, go and grab yours right now, TOTALLY FREE:
Your free website is jam packed with fully editable quality content that will help you build your business and succeed!
Subject – [Free Website Reminder] Did You Get Your Free Monthly Website?
Hi [NAME],
This months Free Monthly Website is ready… Did you grab yours?
Remember, it costs you absolutely nothing to download, go and grab yours right now, totally free:
Your free website is jam packed with fully editable quality content that will help you build your business and succeed!
Subject – [NAME], This is a One Chance Offer to Get a FREE Website!
Hi [NAME],
How rich do you think you could get by owning 1 website? How rich do you think you could get by owning 10 websites? What about 100 websites? Am I getting my point across yet? Let me explain a little to you about the power of Free Monthly Websites and what it can do for your business. Free Monthly Websites is a business website company that provides for you free business websites every month for no charge. The sites are engineered every month on the most popular niches so they can earn a place in anyone’s business whatever your business.
Yes I know what you are thinking “what’s the catch and don’t say there is not catch” OK no catch except for the guys have a small background advertisement advertising an ad program that they use. However this ad program is affiliated to you so you still stand to make a commission from it and 100% commissions from the sites it advertises. This way you win for using a free site for free. So really there is no catch. If you think Google advertise their own ads at the bottom of AdSense and you don’t receive commission at all.
Anyhow! Take a look at it here:
The fact is Free Monthly Websites has been optimized so much, it can’t fail to make you and online income. These website use a twofold affiliate system which utilises Googles AdSense program and also the ClickBank Affiliate market place.
Now if you don’t have a physical business, why not run a digital one? I have you interested now I think. Why not work from home, providing information on any niche you like. You can literally create any amount of websites provided for you for free and place them online to earn you an automated income for life. Do you believe me? Don’t believe me? Why not see for yourself. I would not put my name to this email if I did not think it would provide you with good value. Free or not I always try to provide you with the best sources of info and Free Monthly Websites is one great source of income. I guarantee you will see the power of this truly magnificent website.
Thank you for reading, I hope this helps you succeed!
Subject – Special Offer Freebies For You Today…
Hi [NAME],
I just came across this great website that gives you a F.R.E.E website each Month.
I have already got mine and I am starting to earn money from Google AdSense and my ClickBank accounts on Auto Pilot.
The Guys at Free Monthly Websites must be crazy. They are giving away professional websites absolutely FREE.
This is a special offer so be quick, the clock is ticking for you to grab your free site now! There is no catch here or payments to be made just hit the link below and claim your website today.
Now just in case you are a little worried about thinking what you could possibly do with the free site and how you get earn an income from it. The guys actually give you a full run down of how to install edit and have your website online within minutes so you have no worries about getting started.
Subject – This is a One Chance Offer to Get a FREE Website!
Hi [NAME],
Are you making money from Google’s AdSense program and the ClickBank Market Place yet?
Well I am happy to say that I am, thanks to this great site that I have discovered. You get a F.R.E.E website each and every single month, no catch!
I have already got mine and I am starting to earn money from Google’s AdSense program and ClickBank. In the next two months I will double my income and the month after triple it. All thanks to the guys at Free Monthly Websites who have supported me through the whole process.
I don’t know if these guys were sent here by some higher power to help people but that is what they do and for nothing in return. You could call them saints, you call then modern day robin hoods. I call them the guys at Free Monthly Websites!
Check it out here:
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Right Click and Save Image to Use!
Right Click and Save Image to Use!
Right Click and Save Image to Use!
Right Click and Save Image to Use!
Right Click and Save Image to Use!
Right Click and Save Image to Use!
Right Click and Save Image to Use!
Get in Touch if You Need Anything at All!

Contact us - We are always here to help you!
Skype: @ planetsms